Siapa Aris Krisna?


Saya adalah seorang yang memperhatikan etika kerja. Saya melakukan apa yang memang di perintahkan sesuai dengan posisi dan kemampuan Saya. Walaupun dalam praktiknya pasti akan menemui beberapa kendala, tapi Saya dapat dengan cepat belajar dan beradaptasi untuk tetap mencapai target yang di inginkan dan melakukannya dengan baik tanpa mengesampingkan ketelitian.

Jika dalam keadaan terdesak, Saya dapat mengambil keputusan dengan tenang dan tetap mengedepankan win-to-win solution dalam pengambilan keputusan tersebut, dan bertanggung jawab penuh atas apapun hasil dari keputusan tersebut.

Karena Saya menyukai hal-hal baru, Saya dapat beradaptasi dalam segala situasi dan lingkungan tempat Saya berada. Saya dapat membuat orang lain di sekitar menerima keberadaan Saya dengan senang hati. 

Saya memiliki cukup motivasi untuk terus mengembangkan potensi diri dan konsisten dalam melakukannya.

Network Administrator

System Administrator

kemampuan yang terus saya kembangkan


Dalam hal kemampuan Saya cukup kompeten untuk menjalankan tugas yang di berikan. Jika ada suatu permasalah yang tidak dapat Saya selesaikan dengan kemampuan yang sudah Saya miliki, Saya sangat siap mempelajari hal-hal yang di butuhkan untuk menyelesaikan permasalahan tersebut.

Saya dapat bekerja dalam tim baik sebagai anggota ataupun memimpin tim Saya sendiri. Sebagai pemimpin, Saya dapat dan berusaha untuk terus mengerahkan kemampuan terbaik dari tiap-tiap anggota tim tersebut dan mengolahnya sehingga menjadikan sebuah output terbaik.

Jika Saya berperan sebagai anggota, Saya akan mengerahkan kemampuan terbaik Saya dalam berkontribusi dengan anggota tim lainnya untuk menciptakan sebuah output yang di sepakati bersama.



Linux Server Administration






SEO Analytics




Typing Speed (by: 10fastfingers)


darimana kemampuan saya berasal?


Saya pernah mengikuti pendidikan non-formal, yaitu sebuah pelatihan mempelajari teknik-teknik SEO (Search Engine Optimization). Setelah selesai mengikutin pelatihan tersebut, Saya mengerti beberapa hal, yaitu:

  • White/Grey/Black Hat SEO
  • Membuat sebuah konten yang SEO Friendly
  • Membangun Link Building
  • PBN Concept

Budi Luhur University @ 2013-2018
Faculty of Information Technology
Informatics Engineering Department
GPA 3.0 From 4.0

SMK Media Informatika @ 2010-2013
Computer & Network Engineering


Work Experience

System Administrator at PANDI 09 Mei 2022 - Now (2 Year 8 months 13 day)


  • Configure DNS using (bind9, knot).
  • Configure BGP using bird on Ubuntu Server.
  • Manage Kubernetes Cluster.
  • Manage self hosted gitlab.
  • Maintain gitlab ci/cd.
  • Create, configure, maintain Database Cluster

IT Network at PT Graha Mitra Teguh 02 Jan 2019 - 28 Apr 2022 (3 Year 3 months 26 day)


  • Manage the office's internal network (Firewall, DNS, Queue, Mangle, Address List, NAT, Raw, Schedule, Script) using MikroTik.
  • Monitoring, installation, configuration, troubleshooting Linux servers according to the needs of the developer or client.
  • Familiar with cloud computing services like Vultr, Digital Ocean, Linode, AWS.
  • Setup a Web server on a VPS using popular engines such as, apache, nginx, openlitespeed, php, MySQL, mariadb. The web server is generally used for wordpress, laravel, codeigniter, etc.
  • Creating a Reverse Proxy using (Apache2, Nginx). In this case, i've create a Reverse Proxy for creating a mirror site from a http domain to represent as an IP domain.
  • Understand to using Proxmox to support the company's internal development and production needs.
  • Get used to using Nextcloud.
  • Manage an NFS using Openmediavault as file sharing between office divisions.
  • Known about setup and how email servers like Zimbra and iRedMail work.
  • Know how DNS work and how to create records such as A, MX, TXT, CNAME, and PTR record.
  • Manage domains with a shared server system using Cyberpanel
  • Monitoring Servers using Observium and integrated it with telegram messenger.
  • Understand about the self-hosting development process until online.
  • Understand how to operate a hosting panel, such as Cpanel, Vesta, CWP, Cyberpanel, webmin.
  • Using Cloudflare as proxy and DNS Server.
  • Knowing how git works.
  • Create an automation workflow using n8n to do an auto pull when it gets a git trigger and send notification using telegram messenger.
  • Create schedule backup using bash script and cronjob and integrated it with telegram notification using telegram-send.

SEO Content Writer at PT Graha Mitra Teguh Sept 2019 - Jun 2020 (0 Year 9 months)


  • Optimizing the Company's website, and the Company's Client's website in terms of content and onpage SEO optimization.
  • Assist the SEO Team in handling technical Linux Server problems.

IT Support at PT Interlog Digital Indonesia Aug 2018 - Dec 2018 (0 Year 3 months)


  • Handling user complaints for each division.
  • Ensure that the printer device is running properly.
  • Make suer the email service is running well.
  • Monitoring CCTV equipment to run well and had several times to repair cable lines.
  • Support to a group of companies, namely PT Telesindo Media Indonesia to participate in the Korlantas Polri SBST Project.

Internet Cafe Technician (RichNet) 2013 - 2018 (5 Year)


  • Assemble, install, maintain PC users.
  • Cloning OS with Northon Ghost installed on WinPE using Upanok bootable.
  • Desigh the topology, installation, manage, and maintenance of the network for user needs.
  • Point to point network maintenance with ubiquiti device.
  • Assemble, install, maintain PC game servers for game distribution to clients.
  • Design, install, and monitor CCTV devices to run properly.

Laboratory Assistant at LPK Media Informatika 2011 - 2013 (2 Year)


  • Troubleshooting about PC problems in the computer lab.
  • Troubleshooting about network problems in the computer lab.
  • Assemble a new PC if needed.
  • Become a supervisory committee for the Expertise Competency Test at SMK Media Informatika.



Sometimes I also on several occasions write on a blog that I manage myself. If I'm not mistaken, I created this blog in 2019.

The reason behind the creation of this blog is to continue my previous blog which uses a free domain. In addition, this blog also has a purpose as my notebook. Yes, the fact is that I have a bad habit of forgetting easily. It's easy for me to forget something I don't do regularly.

Then I also intend to share this blog with others about my work and field experiences. I'm sure there may be some people out there who have a hard-to-remember like me. Hopefully this blog can be a solution for them.